Nano-Infusion Facial

Reawaken your skin down to the molecule

This treatment includes a double cleanse, ultrasonic cleaning, enzyme peel, light facial massage, Red and Blue LED light therapy, and nano infusion with a complex blend of rejuvenating ampoules : to awaken your skin cells. Nano infusion facial therapy offers instant and long-lasting results. With a nano infusion facial therapy, the skin can better absorb nutrients from skincare products by 97%.

Nano Infusion facial is pain-free, no numbing cream needed! You will feel light pressure and a vibrating sensation. Most find this a very relaxing treatment to receive. This is a perfect treatment to get before an event as skin will be glowing and radiant. You can have a Nano-Infusion treatment done as often as every two weeks.

- Antioxidant & collagen enhancement with ginseng callus extract

- Softens fine lines and wrinkles 

- Improves skin tone

- Anti-inflammatory and stimulates blood circulation

- Hydrates, brightens, and reduces scarring

- Suitable for Dry Skin, Sensitive Skin, Aging Skin and Dark Skin